Billy Blues Pro Jam Reunion Tuesday 7/25/2023 7PM

Billy Blues Reunion 2016

Billy Blues Pro Jam Reunion
Together again!

Hosted by
RB Blackstone and Jimmy Spacek

This is an rare gathering of musical friends. You won't see this anywhere else.

RB Blackstone is a well known Music Producer and accomplished keyboard player.

Jimmy Spacek is a monster guitar player and all round groovy guy. An internationally known original Texas blues artist, he blends classic and southern influences into his own personal style.

RB and Jimmy hosted an all pro invitational jam at Billy Blues, now Sams Burger Joint.

These are the heros of the era.  Come to Sams on July 25 to hear their story.

(Featuring - not a complete list)
Albert Garcia
Claude "Butch" Morgan
Ruben V
FunkaSaurus Tex
Eric Hamilton (Detroit)
Myles Evans (Baltimore)
Kenny Grohman
Mike McLean
Jerry Clayton
Al Gomez
Maurice Sanders
Bobby Gonzales
and many more


Dedicated to the memory of Barbara McLean Blackstone

RB and Barbara


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