Celebration of Life - Barbara McLean Blackstone

Celebration of Life
July 24, 2023| 1:11 PM 247 Church 5415 N TX-1604-Loop E
San Antonio, TX 78247

Barbara McLean Blackstone went home October 2021.

She was born in May of 1959 in San Antonio to William Donal and Lois M. McLean. She was passionate about her people, her pets and her principles. She was a force of nature and loved her daughter, her grandkids and her husband fiercely. She was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by husband RB Blackstone, daughter Chrissi Rogers and grandkids, Caleb, Cody, Ellery, Gracie, and Aria; and her brother Donal McLean & sister, Janice LaPreze..

Thanks from RB and Chrissi.for joining us in celebration of her life

Any gifts or donations please make to:
@RBBlackstone (venmo)
RB@RBBlackstone.com (PayPal)

Her daughter Chrissie's GoFundme

or PanCan for Pancreatic Cancer Research



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